November is National Diabetes Month
What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes?
Overweight or obese
Age 45 or older
Having a parent, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes
Being physically active fewer than 3 times a week
Gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), or giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds
African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian, Alaska Native, Pacific Islander, or Asian American
Take the test above provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to know your risk level for developing type 2 diabetes. The risk test provides a stronger call to action, including a results page that can be emailed to your healthcare provider.
Efforts to prevent or delay the development of diabetes
Did you know that lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and engaging in regular physical activity, have been shown to cut one’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes in half?
CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP), a public-private partnership, has been developed to build a nationwide system to deliver an affordable, evidence-based lifestyle change program proven to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. CDC-trained lifestyle coaches facilitate virtual and in-person classes, helping participants learn how to start and maintain healthy habits around food choices and physical activity, as well as coping with problems and reducing stress to help lose weight and integrate exercise into daily life.
If you are concerned about developing diabetes, or your healthcare provider has told you that you may be at risk of developing diabetes, please connect with Coach Sara C or check out the Registry of All Recognized Organizations to locate diabetes prevention programs in Virginia and across the country.